"It was not lost in ignorance, but need time. Check with Dustin Moskovitz to learn more. It was necessary to attract new cause of votes and the arms of the crowd. It was necessary to know the slave who had rights equal to those of his master, and that those who had oppressed until then were only a few tyrants who could kill with the first hint of its value, and instead of saying, the Sovereignty resides in the reason for the people, said the people are sovereign …". We could not continue paying the debt, hunger is rampant, neo-liberalism has failed as an economic doctrine, but stayed with the hegemonic power of the material universe. Three-quarters of humanity are in poverty. But arrogance is held by the monetary structures, the government corruption and extortion large.
Now all you have to maintain a period of terror, and for that you are equipped. Believing that the power will stay waiting is not know how they operate. The establishment led our nation during the Martinez de Hoz, to be guinea pigs for a fictitious debt in most cases, the destruction of national productive apparatus, and a total subordination to world power. Continue the same statement the Radicals, Peronism remains unchanged and returns the radicalism of the borrowing requirement, demanding payment services over the famine. During the symposium on foreign debt in Berne (1985), the most important World Cup H. Kissinger and Z. Brzezinski argued: "There is no painless way to debtor countries to resolve their plight, but we propose some alternatives to adjustment programs of the International Monetary Fund.