May 5, 2011, BusinessLoungeOst, RheinEnergieStadion Cologne new communication ways Cologne’s economy is in the development and the use of modern information technologies at the front. Innovative, while at the same time secure communication on electronic means of communication is therefore also a priority on the Cologne GmbH-man-rer a day on May 5 in the business lounge East of the Rhine energy Stadium. For a media city Cologne, fast, secure and reliable communication channels are a must. The initiative of Deutsche Post AG, as many citizens, to link companies and authorities in the region of Cologne-Bonn with the E-letters, has arrived just in time. How does the E-letters, what benefits it provides and how it conflicts with the security of the sent information, explains the participating Stefan Schmidt of Heads of GmbH, Vice President, Deutsche Post AG. First practical experience of companies from the region, who already successfully use the E-letters, will be presented in a workshop. As more topics for which total seven Impulse lectures of 4.

GmbH Managing Director day of the Organizer, the business magazine has selected gmbhchef, current focus issues around the management of a limited liability company: the spectrum ranges from the safe control design of CEO salary on the dangers of hidden profit distribution to sales strategies for difficult cases. The first three in-depth workshops are offered. The GmbH Managing Director days, which take place this year in addition to Cologne also on 28 June in Dusseldorf and on July 5 in Bonn, is above all the regional networking and strengthening GmbH medium-sized enterprises in the region. The accompanying trade fair, which gives visitors the opportunity offers from the region specifically for GmbH Managing Director to find out about is used. More information and registration possibility under or Tel.