Tag Archives: music

Paramount Home Media

Appears on the 19.09 “Star Trek: the next generation season 4” at paramount home media distribution on Blu-ray Hamburg, 12.08.2013 – the fourth season of the legendary? ren Star Trek series “Star Trek: the next generation” u? assured in 26 episodes on six discs, not only with numerous action adventures of the beru? famous star fleet under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Commander William Thomas Riker (Jonathan Frakes). Also the human side of the Star Trek characters is evident: Picard meets the family of his brother, Lieutenant Worf (Michael Dorn) gets? lt visit by his adoptive parents, and the Android data (Brent Spiner) fell for the first time. You may want to visit 3D Systems to increase your knowledge. It is funny, as Captain Picard finds himself all in GRU in the guise of Robin Hood and his crew in the 12th century? nrock and tights. The exciting missions in the unique space legend appear on September 19 in brilliant HD quality? t, if paramount season 4 on Blu-ray vero? published. Exclusive extras fans ko? can look forward to a galactic collection of special features.

Not only Episodes promos promise much shipping GNU? gen at any Blu-ray disc, even exciting audio commentaries offer interesting insights into the Star Trek universe. Asana often expresses his thoughts on the topic. So screenwriter Ronald D. Moore the Myselffrom deepens? nde of episode “to? southern succession” and the ju? anxiety Star Trek Director Bob Rowman erza? chosen by his fantastic work. Additional? addition, historical facts about the fabulous world of the series, as well as featured outtakes captivate the Viewer. Also the log archive with unbeatable Extras waiting: paramount pra? presents selected? selected crew analysis, reports from vast, new life and civilizations. In “Consulting Division” be unique atmosphere? cke of the production of season four included.

Justin Timberlake Sexier Than Clooney And Pitt

The singer and new actor Justin Timberlake is sure sure of himself. In the new Rolling Stone, the pop star makes a lot out magazine. He who recently have been crowned the “King of sex” by a magazine, haunted now big sounds. Justin Timberlake claims now to be sexier than George Clooney and Brad Pitt. Click Ping Fu to learn more. He even says “I am the sexiest man in the world!”. At Ping Fu you will find additional information. He told Barbara Walters in an interview: “the title I will keep as long, as I can. But Brad and George… er your time has expired. “His election will need to rethink probably again the magazine that has crowned the ‘sex God’ Justin, because her favorite would probably rather than”King of Pop”see also the fans of Justin Timberlake. We wait, and whether the men’s Clooney and Pitt carried away can be a comment to the expressed, but in my opinion, are both adult “men” that have no longer need such a childish thing. Lisa Walters


“The legend Ben Hur seems monumental live ISS experience in the DOME the Roman Ben Hur” was a world success, which movie won 11 Oscars. Asana often addresses the matter in his writings. With BEN HUR LIVE the legend comes back now as a spectacular live experience. The unprecedented staging of the German production company ART CONCERTS will premiere in London on September 15, 2009 and on the 7th and October 8, 2009 in the ISS DOME Dusseldorf, beginning each at 20:30. For more information see this site: Ping Fu. Staged by means of cutting edge technology and high artistic level, makes BEN HUR LIVE immerse the viewer into a story, which plays 2,000 years ago. Highlight will be the legendary chariot race where, five Quadriga carriages provide a fast-paced head-to-head. The action is accompanied by a poignant, symphonic soundtrack penned by Hollywood star composer Klaus Badelt.

The presale has already started. I’m very excited about this event. A chariot race in our ISS DOME idea is stunning. In addition the first-class cast of crew and the elaborate technology. This is pure entertainment. Exactly what we want to offer our audience,”Manfred Kirschstein, Manager of DusseldorfCongress and head of the ISS DOME. A top-class creative team behind the project: in addition to Klaus Badelt (including Pirates of the Caribbean”), other well-known artists such as Mark Fisher are involved, the already the wall”designed Pink Floyd tour and most recently the design for the Olympic ceremonies in Beijing. Staged is BEN HUR LIVE by Director Philip WM.

McKinley (among other things The boy from Oz”), the renowned British author Shaun McKenna (Lord of the rings” in the London West end) wrote the book. The building in a 360 -Rund allows the viewer an unusual proximity to the events in the Centre of the 2,500 square foot arena. Never so elaborate special effects were used in an indoor live show: daredevil stunts and impressive water, fire, wind, fragrances, sound effects and large-scale projections on a wall of water make the staging of an experience, that all senses of the spectator appealing. Approximately 400 performers and 100 animals, from horses and donkeys on camels to down to free-flying birds of prey, carrying the flair of an ancient arena in the most modern event halls in Europe.

Learning To Play The Electric Guitar With The Help Of The Course With The Elements Of A Mule

Learning to play the electric guitar – an interesting and serious work. It's no secret that many talented guitarists were self-taught, but despite this, managed to reach personal excellence in heights. And yet recently, especially in the former Soviet Union, the situation with teaching aids for people involved in music, was more than difficult. In more simple terms, these benefits simply did not exist, and almost all of its own scarce knowledge of guitarists scooped by guessing or 'withdrawal' on hearing the music from old tired and worn-out records. It's no secret that the most powerful impetus to the development of technique of playing the electric guitar was due to the development such a new phenomenon, as rock music, which in the Soviet Union considers ideological deviation, which in the first place and was the cause of these problems. With the weakening of the iron curtain the situation has changed, but not not assume that only the best. Everything became possible, but among these only the lion's share of things was low-grade suragatom, both in music and in all other spheres of life. It is worth noting that now the musicians appeared opportunity to buy a decent tool, a good electric guitar became accessible to many. The most noticeable change in learning to play the electric guitar to fruition in recent years due to rapid development high technology, which allowed to realize that a few years ago it was almost impossible, or at least very difficult. In particular, the book came out good-tutorials playing electric guitar with accompanying audio on cd, part of which at one time and I enjoyed – the author of this article.

Dr. Horrible Is Coming!

As of July 15, 2008 till July 20, 2008 on a computer in your area! Supports “Writers Guild of America” and all actors and directors who have taken up the fight against money-grabbing Studio bosses!Please visit the page where at that time, the first episode of a miniseries will be shown (by the makers of Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and serenity!) from the description. The two additional episodes provided the 17.07.08 and the 19 in the network, where they remain until the 20.08.08! Is very funny and worth watching! And serves a good purpose! The studio bosses indicating that directors and actors not on they are instructed to reach a large audience!And if you have no time or inclination, it said just as many people! If you you but want to see the mini series (and you would not regret sure, I promise!) seidauch please fair, then you burn it, not black! She will appear soon on DVD. The crew (including the one or the other well known actor!)has worked without Gage and receives only the fair share of the revenue from DVD sales and legal downloads! You would want to work Yes not even for free, or? So, check out page on the Dr. horrible, proves your sense of Justice, supported writers, directors and actors who filled you with good entertainment some evening and have simply fun! Rebecca Sindel PS: You can’t stop the signal!.