Tag Archives: art

Dealing with Death

" When me entierren" By: Spinal morning call Rocks. " When they bury to me/please not they forget/my ball-point pen. (Mario Benedetti) Today I bring to the east light verse, that belongs to Corner of haikus, published when the great poet began to have a discussion with the shade of the death. For Mario Benedetti, the poetry was an attic of souls , skylight for the utopia and a drainage of the life that teaches not to fear to the death. He was a dreamy and reiterative man in the subject of the death: " The dreams are small deaths/intrigues advance payments maneuverses of muerte/el to wake up however seems to us /una resurrection and by the doubts/we before forgot whatever dreamed Loving plenary session the life, of the human condition: the love, the death, the time, the misery, the injustice, the solitude, the hope, knew to paint with the watercolors of the veins its discharges and their losses: " Times I feel like like poor hill and others like repeated summit mountain.

Times I feel like a cliff and in others like a blue but distant sky. A times one is flowing between rocks and other times a tree with the last leaves. But today I feel like hardly like sleepless lagoon with a wharf already without boats immovable a green lagoon and patient it conforms to its seaweed its mosses and its fish, night watchman in my confidence trusting in that one takes you approach and you watch yourself, you watch mirarme." Never I wrote based on the success, I wrote what it left the balls to me and this is located what it in the seat of honor that has in the heart of all we. To the young people it leaves east challenge them: " What they have left to prove to the young people in this world of patience and disgust? Only graffitti? Rock? Skepticism? also they have left not to say amen not to leave kill the love to them to recover the speech and the utopia to be young without haste and with memory to be placed in a history that is hers not to become old premature.

Johann Sebastian Bach

A the first of 25 videos to Johann Sebastian Bach goes online. Officially first small video show is the new and innovative Portal “Bach and Bach” to the Thomas Cantor at the start. Under the heading of Johann Sebastian Bach and continue with the biographies and finally taking “Mini biography as a mini show” set, informed a mixture of Bach’s music, a text spoken by actor and spokesman Fabian von Klitzing and an assortment of in the cities of Bach and Bach places in Thuringia, Germany, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt photographed images about the life of sends. Actually all biography pages for students and Bach newcomers were intended, now they are exciting for Bach lovers and enthusiasts of Bach’s music but also with this small audiovisual show -. Connect with other leaders such as 3D Systems here. The provision of all six short biographies in various lengths and styles, as well as a wide variety of illustrations is more than unusual on this section of the website.

So a daring concept, start the page with a fact sheet relating to the Baroque composers says Peter Bach, who is behind the brand name “Bach and Bach”. The fact sheet is exclusively intended for more younger audiences that to learn more about the exceptional composers especially but quickly to the point. “Bach FAQ”, which Similarly, quickly answered questions to Bach on the point, is equally unusual and almost inappropriate to such a topic. “However…” so admits Peter Bach “…ist this section is still a construction site”, but with each passing day, as also the remaining home page, complete, extensive and equally thrilling will. The makers, in addition to Peter Bach of his wife, Renate, whose project “Bach and Bach”, aimed discover it with something for everyone is call an interactive, cross-media “Bach Adventure theme park”. Ranging from totally trivial about Grenzwertiges out to exciting for Bach scholars. “Easy wholesome entertainment” but is always at the top and is the most important for the creators of the page.

Term Follows

A Council is given, and is received by conviction. It should not surprise us, that in this dimension while we journey all is possible, moreover, there are those who say that all this writing and simply touches us act according to the journal of our life. The truth, that we should not surprise, that with regard to emotions, feelings that everyone must experience in any of its manifestations, especially in affective ties, specifically, what couple is concerned, we face given the reality that one day say: everything ended, of that came at this time which is us had destined to be togethermany times, by personal decisions, where one of the players determines that it is in the end, that should not be together either because a reality to which we are all doomed is evident, as is the physical disappearance, came to our last day of life and we must separate ourselves. Certainly, we are subject to this reality face anytime, that our time has concluded, we must separate us and where we must know we both share it optimally evaluate, what was his legacy, which both grew up, how happy were, how we learned our opportunity; Thus, as in that we were wrong, that errors we made, in where we neglect, that contribute towards our growth. Not the slightest doubt, that the fact some already having experienced the end of a relationship, often because there was no understanding, simply because it was not given the necessary attention, care that she demanded, invited to consider, the why it came to a final decisicion, that there is nothing to do, all invited to assess where we were wrong the why they came to that decision, most when it has been product of our inattention, of having not grown, simply consider that everything was long-lasting and we were always going to stay in it.

Jesus Nazarene

On the road to Emmaus: and behold, two of them were the same day to a village named Emmaus, which was sixty stadia from Jerusalem (about 10,800 ft.). (E) they were talking about among themselves all the things that had happened. It happened that while they talked and argued among themselves, Jesus himself approached, and walking with them. But their eyes were veiled, so that they do not know him. And he said unto them: what talks are these that you have among yourselves while you caminais, and why you’re sad? One of them, named Cleopas, said in response: do are you the only stranger in Jerusalem which you have not known things that have happened in these days? Then he said to them: do that things? And they said unto him: Jesus Nazarene, who was a male Prophet, mighty in work and Word before God and all the people; and how gave the Chief priests and our rulers to sentence of death and crucified him. But we had hoped that he was who would redeem Israel; and now, besides all this, today is already the third day that this has happened.

Although we have also stunned some women among us, who before the day went to the sepulchre; and as they found not his body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels, who said that he lives. And they were some of our to the Tomb, and they found as well as women had said, but did not see him. Then he said to them: o fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have told you! I was that the Christ should suffer these things and to enter into his glory not necessary? And beginning from Moses, and all the prophets, declaring them in all the Scriptures what he said.


It is a psychic disposition or a mood by virtue of which the subject perceives sub ratione Mali (under the evil reason) all the phenomena that surround to him. Within the pure Psychology and more in particular of Psychiatry, the pesimism is one of the manifestations or more habitual symptoms of the disease of the exogenous or endogenous depression or distimia. revistaconsumer.es on the pesimism remembers to us that we do not have to let to us catch by the pesimism, the worse thing is than who insist on seeing the negative side of the things, besides becoming unfortunate people, has a laborious facility to make bitter the life especially of those who they have alongside, if the victims is young or young, or depends emotionally on the always unsatisfied person. The disagreeable experiences tend to moor to us to the past and inhibiting to us the future, because they condition to us and they frighten. Simplifying a little, it will give equal how the things really go, because if we showed a negative and pessimistic predisposition, moments we will sift the happy them in excess and we will perceive with distrust and reserves, without writing down them to ours " haber". Normally, the bitter ones tend to play the victim role, in a form of interpersonal communication in which (to catch the other people’s energy and attention almost always), they assume one several of these rolls: the one of pursuer, who does of bad, interrogates and is perceived like a ready one that it knows everything and it punishes or it humiliates to those who it thinks that they are mistaken; the one of rescuer, who looks for that they recognize its kind paper to him but that simultaneously he passes constantly invoices to us of whichever does, and the one of victim, whose exposition of survival and communication he is to give pity to the others, catching its attention by means of the exhibition of its suffering.