Jairo AugustoNogueira Pine Meteorology – UFPa 1. INTRODUCTION Since much time homemvem, changing it the agricultural way for the urban way. The cities had been growing, namaioria of the times of fast and very disordered form, without planejamentoadequado of occupation, provoking some problems that intervene sobremaneirana quality of life of the man who lives in the city. Currently, the majority of the population human being lives in the meiourbano needing, each time more, of conditions that can improve aconvivncia of an environment inside many times adverse. The vegetation, for some benefits that proporcionarao can half urban, has a very important paper in the reestablishment of relaoentre the man and the natural way, guaranteeing quality of life better. 2.

ARBORIZATION URBANANO WORLD the urban development nEuropa was initiated in the half of century XV and the public emespaos appearance of the vegetation occurred in century XVII (Segawa, 1996). The estilofrancs was distinguished in century XVII, the English, in century XVIII, ambosevidenciando trees (Farah, 1999). Alleys are ways tipped for trees, quetm its gnese in the Italian renascentistas gardens (Farah, 1999). From century XVII, vriascidades of the Europe had constructed its landscaped stroll. Thus, Berlin had, in 1647, ' ' Unter den Linden' ' , woody tree-lined avenue binding the city to the hunting park; Dublin had ' ' BeauxWalk' ' ' ' Gardener' s Mall' ' ; Amsterdam used to advantage a mire, transforming it into ' ' Nieuwe Plantage' ' ; Bordeaux gained the Garden Royal and Nancy; Vienna, Munique, SoPetersburgo, Madrid and Lisbon had implanted woody public strolls (Segawa, 1996). 3.ARBORIZAO URBANANO BRAZIL In Brazil, the interest porjardins is only born in the end of century XVIII, with the objective of ecultivo preservation of species, influenced for the Europe (Land, 2000). Scarce omaterial Brazilian description, but is distinguished some paisagistas, as AugusteFranois Marie Glaziou, that came to Brazil the invitation of D.