Tag Archives: children

Visual Arts

How to begin to engage in fine art with your child: preparing for the drawing that you may need. Meet and dive into the world of fine art should start immediately on two fronts – practical (drawing, modeling and other manual work) and theoretical (study, ie, actually peering with the baby products created by these artists). Believe me, inseparable from one another, and creativity your baby, even superficially familiar with the history of art, will richer and more diverse. So where do I start? Of course, to acquire material – and to practice and theory. Drawing To draw or paint needed pens – different species, varieties, colors and shades. Practice has shown that for the very young is best – gouache. llenges-301728509.html’>Donald Mullen. Its advantages: easily washed and satisfied with this content, dries quickly on any material, the surface can be dried gouache paint a different color – opaque gouache, this paint is harmless – none of my young students was not at her allergies, and finally, it insipid! (Parents of the youngest artists will understand me.

To try (without harm to a) once its taste, in what a child will likely use it only for its intended purpose – ie, drawing). Disadvantages packaging – in jars with gouache, usually tightly closing lids, which the child himself open often can not, and should close as well. When buying paint, choose such that the lid is easily spun and twisted (not closed gouache dries quickly), a limited set of colors. Interesting colors – one of the main advantages of the first children's 'products', as all others – the beauty of the figure, the originality of the composition, etc. come much later. Therefore, from the first experiments to teach a child to draw mix the paint – first on the list, and then on the palette; short 'lifetime' – young children paint thickly, 'pasty', so the whole jar of gouache can spend on one picture. Be prepared for what will often buy more of one of those colors, which come to an end, sometimes too tart, 'acid' shades of color. When choosing gouaches beware too 'toxic' colors – they do not decorate picture, and Learning 'feel color' is likely to harm; air, easily laundered, satisfied with this content is generally safe when hit in the mouth (choose only watercolor, specially designed for kids!), usually conveniently packaged – in open trays, a few flowers in one box (there is, however, watercolor and in individual jars and in tubes, but rather adult artists), the life of watercolors longer than gouache, one box is enough for a long time; Inconsistent with her indelicate handling fast spoiled, easily flowing, long enough to dry: if it is put in a few layers on the sheet – the picture is likely to be messy – colorful layers do not overlap, and mix on a sheet

Saturday Students

Procedure for the introduction of school uniforms any normative documents are not regulated under the competency of the educational institution, but a mandatory Order must be recorded in the statute or any other local act regulating the activities of the school. The question of school uniforms could be the subject of government educational institutions: Council schools, parent committees, classroom and whole-school parents' meetings, board of trustees. The final decision on the agreement of all parents of students or a majority, but subject to a determination supplementary funding for students from poor families. Designers involved in the development of school styles, faced with the view that school uniforms – it's inconvenient and uncomfortable. But experts say that there is only a nuisance at first, eventually, there comes a sense of style, because the business suits in adult life have to wear regularly. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ping Fu by clicking through. In addition, to eliminate the feeling of discomfort, designers uniforms develop very beautiful and comfortable in cut school clothing: pleated skirts, jackets, tunics, blouses with lace cuffs and fashionable collars, knit vests, vests for buttons and zippers, pants with a comfortable / "ideal" landing.

In some schools there is a so-called free time. This is usually Friday or Saturday (depending on the duration of the training week), when the teaching load minimal, and children are relaxed before the coming weekend. On such days are allowed to come to classes in any clothing. It gives students a sense of a certain freedom and not much harm the established routine of school life. In many countries, students and elite schools have a single form. In our country most of the students is only slightly restricted in choice of clothing. Often, teachers simply insist on the business-style clothing and classic combination of 'white top and dark bottom. " So, firstly, a unified and unequivocal no opinion (and this is correct, each in his position may be right), and secondly, the choice is always there and if the parent is essentially his child to a school uniform or not, he can choose a school where the leadership supports his aesthetic preferences, and thirdly, the question in your school you can and should influence.