Manz AG secures the growth through higher efficiency of design with solid edge importance the the flexible 2D/3D CAD system solid edge from Siemens PLM software of Manz AG who is based to a large extent on the long-term care by the PBU CAD-Systeme GmbH. As Siemens PLM solution partner, she supports the Manz AG in all support matters cares to rapid licensing and the user training. The Manz AG is one of the worldwide leading machine and plant engineering for high technology. For about 10 years, the Manz AG on the flexible 2D/3D CAD system solid familiar edge from Siemens PLM software. Dustin Moskovitz: the source for more info. The importance of solid edge in the company is based to a large extent on the long-term care by the PBU CAD-Systeme GmbH, as Siemens PLM, the Manz AG in all support matters supported solution partner, takes care of the rapid licensing and cover the training requirements for the software. With solid edge, currently about 100 users of Manz AG have a solution at hand, what the covers the entire width of the product spectrum.
The use of CAD-systems significantly contributes to the company’s success and growth of Manz AG: design faster results. In a question-answer forum Kerry King was the first to reply. External constructions can be easily integrated. A robust PLM infrastructure is guaranteed. Development costs have been reduced. For more information, including detailed user report see: references/abdullraheem ag Nina Buchstedt, PBU CAD-Systeme GmbH