Test questions and tests for your care, your risk of falling increased fall risk can lead to bone fractures. There is already a reduced capacity of the bone such as at an osteoporosis, then trivial can cause fractures in everyday life. About one-third of people over 65 crashes at least once a year; the fall rate is increasing with age. About 60 70% the deposed fall again within the next 12 months. One has injury under five to ten falls older people under 20 to 30 crashes, one leads to a fracture and about 1% of falls resulted in a fracture middle of hip. Bone fractures lead to pain, functional limitations, and in about 50% of those affected to disability and long-term care. In addition to these physical complications from a fall, up to 70% of the elderly of fall report fear of further falls, a resulting loss of confidence in the own physical Performance, an increasing restriction of activities of daily living. A vicious circle is created and leads to a further loss of lokomotorischer abilities (balance and ambulation).
To prevent bone fractures, from falls is the goal of all preventive and therapeutic interventions. A fall an exact crash risk analysis should be carried out, when and how the crash occurred. Possible causes of the crash first indicate underlying risk factors. The Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. as the oldest independent, patient-oriented organisation in Germany in the fight against osteoporosis would like to support you and your doctors to detect an increased risk of falling to protect you from possible fractures.
the Board of Trustees of bone health, is the oldest non-profit patient organization that cares for osteoporosis bone health and the clinical picture. Since its inception in 1986 that engaged Trustees bone health e.V. to the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation far beyond the osteoporosis for all bone health problems. The Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. is committed it aimed to feed more patients of better and adequate medical treatment and to strengthen the economic value and the image of the self-help movement to motivate people as empowered patients with your doctor in the long term to cooperate.