One of the aspects presented greater shortcomings in the initiatives or CRM strategies, deployments is total lack or failure of the implementation of indicators of management or KPI (Key Performance Indicators) s related to the measurement of the improvement in the relationship with customers. It is essential to establish measurement indices that reveal if the orientation strategy customer is giving the expected results. Unfortunately, one of the major faults is to launch a CRM initiative, without establishing oriented metrics to measure the relationship with the client. CRM projects are implemented, but the metrics remain the same from an organisation fully oriented to products (sales volume, value of sales, sales by channel, sales by product, market share by product or line, etc.). As part of the definition and appropriateness of processes within the implementation of a CRM initiative, it is very important to assess which are the indicators which may be evidence of an improvement in terms of the strategy of achieving further centralization at the client.

There are multiple indicators and the idea is not to define indicators because Yes. It is necessary to perform a detailed analysis of the business processes that have direct impact on the relationship with the customer (customer life cycle and its points of interaction), establishing that measurements will be made and how often. This article is oriented to analyze in detail one of these flags named value of the relationship with the customer or the Lifetime Value of the Customer (LTV or CLV), by your definition in English. This is only one of the recommended indicators, which we will develop in different articles.