How do I determine the price of an apartment What do we build a house or apartment is equipped with, and then sell it for a song? That's right, nothing. Because many of us do not know how to evaluate their apartment before selling. But this is likely the exception than the rule. Often owners overstate price of the apartment. Sometimes sellers try to pass their "own little house" for the palace. This is understandable, because, as a rule, apartments offered for sale or to buy larger or exchange a large 2 smaller ones. If the sale of apartments for low-cost will be beneficial to customers, the overstatement of the cost will not bring happiness nor the buyer nor the seller, because the deal with such real estate may take a long time.

How to assess the value of real estate In order to purchase the apartment was a bargain may be asked to evaluate pre-licensed appraiser apartment. For about $ 100, appraiser will come to your apartment and make the document, namely, a certificate of professional appraiser on the property value. Unfortunately, this document is valid only for transactions, where commercial real estate figures. This Help can be given to the bank and get it on loans that offer mortgage in Moscow. And to help potential buyers flat professional appraiser is not as important, and often do not undertake into account. Appealing to the conscience of a realtor … New or old house in Moscow, but rather flat in them, often estimated realtors.