Burning issues education and participation, maintenance and accounting the focus district Karlsruhe. As a constructive and goal-oriented”participants rated the diesjahrigen LMMkom Arbeitskreis Baden-Wurttemberg at the District Office in Karlsruhe. VorbeREITet by Peter Walker, proceedings supervisor in the District of Karlsruhe for the software of company lamb number, project officer, departmental and functional managers, system administrators and officers found quickly to the central issues. The nearly completed GPA certification in accordance with Community regulations, the switch anSteHende on the accounting, the implementation of the education and participation package in LMMkom and the new provider database, as well as the implementation of care advice met with lively interest. Social services, option communities and municipalities under separate auspices showed parTICUlarly interested in the new software feature for editing by collecting bills from the education and participation package.

The settlement will be in the future of the Service provider automatically in the software import, to get the payment directly. Before April 1, 2011, lamb number customers could edit all services from education and participation package with the software and adapt to the requirements of AnspruchsbeRechtigten. Also the processing options integrated in LMMkom in care advice, already successfully used in six municipalities in Baden-Wurttemberg and used for numerous customers in the other country, found great resonance. The functionality for this purpose was developed in close consultation with the local authorities, realisiert by the development team of number of lamb and provided all users at the beginning of the year. The Working Group provides a very good platform for municipalities, auszutauschen the experience so far with the function and to submit suggestions or suggestions for improvement on lamb number”, so Rolf Lohmann, branch head in Baden-Wurttemberg. So is guaranteed.

that our product continually evolves in the right direction and the maximum nutZen is available to the user.” In addition, the planned transition to the accounting of one of the central concerns of local authorities was. “Rolf Lohmann gladly seized on this topic and said: we want to promote the necessary exchange of information here with each other further.” While the timing of the shutdown of the currently used interface what to finance FIWES classic already was set, is still open, when the responsible data centre Baden-Franken KIVBF can implement the new interface required SoJuHKR to finance SAP and make available to the connected communities. The municipal process supervisor want concrete schedules for the project cycle for the introduction of accounting from the data center. As independent software vendor would we local authorities support in establishing the accounting, where we can”, knows Thomas Duren, head of user support and VORtragender Meeting. We have converted more than 30 offices of the kameralen on the double entry system and realised to interfaces to various providers. The experience from these projects this gewonnene want to and will we bring here in Baden-Wurttemberg in the upcoming conversion projects. “We accompany our clients in the accounting by means of project days, workshops and coordination meetings”, Rolf Lohmann continues, and guide you safely through the transition process. In any case, they will be well prepared with the necessary know-how.