Gaspar Llamazares describes the decision as its companions of party like " it burdens error". Fernandez-Twig thinks that he is not " justo" to load against IU by its decision. The PSOE " respeta" the decision and assures that " it will follow trabajando" for the frontier dwellers. The reactions to the IU decision to abstain in the next session of investiture of the autonomic presidency of Extremadura, which will suppose the arrival from the PP to the government of the independent community, have not been made hope. First he has been the deputy in the Congress and general excoordinador of IU, Gaspar Llamazares, that has described as " it burdens error" and of decision " nothing right " , that will accept although it does not share it.

In declarations to, Llamazares it recognized that, although the democracy is the democracy, to allow that the PP ascends to the power in this independent community supposes a confusion first of all " antropolgica" and " sociolgica" because the voters of lefts do not understand the turn of IU to the right. In addition, he emphasized that IU must be faithful to which promised in the campaign electoral, avoiding to pass to the right or " by active or pasiva" and it recognized that this attitude can make much damage to the party. In its opinion, although in this decision the reality of the frontier dwellers is primate, with a political reflection the party would have taken a very different direction and remembered the case of Asturias, where IU offered to their support to the PP originating " setback " for the party and the Asturian ones, besides a very important political crisis. Minutes after knowing the decision IU in Extremadura, Llamazares wrote in the social network Twitter that its party " &quot fails to fulfill the word; since the decision " &quot does not understand the voter to it; , apart from which it facilitates " campaign pinza".