But, before adentrar in the analyses of the author, it is important to know the meaning of the term stigma. According to Priberam Dictionary of the Portuguese Language, stigma means mark, perdurvel scar. According to Goffman (1988), the term if relates deeply to an attribute contemptuous. However, exactly ahead of this rank, the author conceives the meaning of the word stops beyond the when salient factor attribute that, for its understanding, is necessary a language of relations and not of attributes, a time that, an attribute that estigmatiza a person can confirm the normality of another one. On the basis of this estimated, the author has left of the mixing relations to base the quarrel on stigma. That is, it focuses the moments where estigmatizados and the normal ones are in the same social situation, in immediate physical presence one of the other, want during a colloquy, it wants in the mere simultaneous presence in an informal meeting. It is pautado in this principle that Goffman will go to delineate throughout the five chapters contained in the workmanship the situation of the estigmatizado one in its social relations, arguing the thematic ones: Stigma and Social Identity; Control of Information and Personal Identity; Group alignment and Identity of I; I and Its Another one; Shunting lines and Desviantes Behaviors. For better understanding of the subject, the author makes a historical clipping on the conception of stigma, passing for the Classic Antiquity? where the term assigned something extraordinary or bad on the moral status of who it represented it by means of corporal signals and of which the normal people would have to keep distance? , adentrando in the Christian Age? in which two levels had been added to the term: the religious conception (stigma as divine favour) and the pathological one (physical riot)? until the present time? where the stigma makes aluso to the situation of the individual that is inabilitado for the full social acceptance.