The legal device more recent than regulates this substance is Decree 3,048 of 1999, that it regulates the Law n 8,213 of 1991. Art. 137 of the related Decree say to fit to the professionals of the INSS to the responsibility of: ) To carry through the evaluation and the labor capacity of the deficiency carriers; b) To guide and to follow the programming of the qualification and whitewashing; c) To articulate the INSS with the community in order to facilitate to the ingression and reingresso of the carriers of deficiency in the work market; d) To search offers of vacant in the market of work and performance of the carriers of deficiency in the insertion processes and reinsero. In boarding on the subject, Sandro Nahmias observes: For the people who had later acquired a deficiency in the life, when already in productive age, the adoption of public and private measures is essential come back to its return to the work, either in the same function, either in new ranks, compatible with its new conditions. Many times, however, this does not occur, a time that is more easy diligent to require the retirement to it that to continue working in the formal market.
Already the people who carry deficiencies since the birth or first infancy, generally pass its life all in social condition of segregation. (MELO, 2004) the whitewashing is the assistance given to the deficiency carriers who had acquired the deficiency in elapsing of the life, in general, after an accident. Whereas the qualification is the set of activities directed toward who still brings a limitation of nascena and for that they need to characterize itself to play definitive functions in the world of the work. Law 9,394 of 1996 also regulates the professional education. According to Decree 5,154 of 2004, the actions of professional education are developed by courses and programs of initial and continued formation. The professional qualification deals with the initial preparation of the individual for the work market, that is, the person with deficiency that did not have no contact with the reality of the job will be directed by means of directed specific training to day-by-day of a common worker, displaying it the difficulties of the hours of working, its mritos, the wage, the responsibilities, the work environment, the work in team, in short the experience professional. Being submitted to the program, the individual passes for periodic evaluation for analysis of aptitude to the work.
Perhaps of the cited processes this is dificultoso, had to the periodic tests for evaluation of the professional aptitude and the future election for the work market. The whitewashing implies in new qualification for the work, destined those people who for some reason had lost the capacity to work, needing training to come back to the work market. The inclusion professional means the total aptitude of the individual for the work market, that is, the ingression in the market of imminent work and being enough to the job chance. This program, when concluded, is possibly most rewarding of them, in reason of the abusive and unjust criteria of admission for times faced for this minority, or the proper overcoming of the precarious condition which is estagnados.